If you find that your partial dentures are loose or uncomfortable to wear, especially while chewing foods, Sanjeevani Dental Clinic can offer you a more comfortable solution. When our patients cannot accommodate a normal plastic partial denture, a flexible partial denture can be offered as an alternative. This is because flexible dentures adjust easily to any irregularities in the mouth to provide a fit that is more comfortable and effective.
Designed to accommodate even the most awkward of bite types, Changing Faces® flexible partial dentures will fit perfectly with the parts of your mouth that many conventional hard plastic bases cannot. By working closely with the unique shape of your mouth, we will help you achieve a well fitting, stable denture. Because of the flexible fit no metal clasps are required.
Sanjeevani Dental Clinic - Dr.Prem Pankaj's Dental Specialties Centre started in the year 2009. We believe strongly in preventive dental care and encourage & educate our patients to do the same to..
Address : Bimlanand Tower, Sarjana Chowk, Purulia Road,
Ranchi. (Near St. Xavier College.) Call : 9431174138